Friday 13 July 2012

coping with the climate change

Long distance travelers
Have you had of the Kamba community in Kenya? They are known as the long distant travelers. Have you ever wondered why? Have you ever visited the community to learn their culture and how they live? I have interacted with the community and the following are what I found about the community:
The Akamba are a community in the eastern province of Kenya. They are one of the communities that are much affected by the change of climate. The community has to travel for a very long in such of water. As you know water is life and therefore people have to travel for very long distance in such of water. The community is also faced with a lot of challenge since most of the seasonal rivers have already dried up. The community is also forced to travel with their animals to find pasture for the animals.
I tend to think that this traveling for long distance has forced them to adapt to travelling for long distance in such of this very vital commodity. Most roads in the area are not in a good condition and therefore travelling means is also a problem. One of the roads that are not in a good condition is for example that connecting Mwingi to Tseikuru through Kyuso District. I tend to think this is because of the hash environmental condition whereby the area always in experiencing hot and dry weather.
To save this community from the harsh weather condition we should always plant more trees and stop cutting the trees for the safety of our environment. Let us all move with the new technology and avoid use of paper to reduce the cutting of trees for the paper industry.

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